Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Halina Resort

HALINA MOUNTAIN RESORT A Case Study Submitted By: Richmond L. Chua Subject: MG11A Section: 1D (4-6pm) Summary Halina Mountain Resort I. Statement of the Objective The objective of the study is to gain broader views on the analysis of the subject’s (Halina Mountain Resort) vital components and areas which are directed towards the success of the company’s establishment. In this study, certain factors are taken into consideration to determine whether changes or improvements of policies, strategies and other aspects are needed to be done. Furthermore, the subsequent stability and profitability of the company are taken into consideration. Factors which will affect such are studied and analyzed so as to formulate development of strategies which will help the company achieve its success. II. Central Problem One of the main issues that Halina Mountain Resort is the risk of high competition among its nearby adversaries engaged in the same industry III. Areas of Consideration (SWOT Analysis) 1. Strength – Halina Mountain Resort is a company owned business. – The first Resort in the area that has a restaurant. – The resort is the first resort to be reached in Laguna. 2. Weakness – No safety measures mentioned. Halina Mountain Resort don't have enough budget. – The key personnel of the resort are from Herrera family. 3. Opportunity – Popularity is gained through customers, who share their experience to others through videos, pictures and others; it acts as an advertisement for the Resort. 4. Threat – Natural Disaster like typhoon, earthquakes and others. – Other Competi tors in the area that was patronized by people, or may have a low price. – The Resort is near a creek, this may cause the land to be soft. IV. Alternative Causes of Action VI. Plan of Action

Balance Sheet And Market Value

The most notable thing in the table presented above is the disparity between the actual market value and what is reported in ARC’s balance sheet. The balance sheet funding totaled to $1. 465 billion while the market value ballooned reaching $2, 390 billion. When compared, the difference is a staggering $20 million indicating that ARC owes more to its financiers than what it actually claims. The source of this huge difference is the disparity between the balance sheet amount of long-term debt and its market value. The company does not trade its bond so the yield is compared with companies issuing the same bonds.When converted to its present value, the book value is significantly lower than the market value. Another is the amount of stockholder’s equity. It should be noted that in reality, more funds are generated from the sale of stocks than their attributed value in the company’s books. The difference in the numbers has several implications when the capital struc ture of the company is considered. Two specific financial ratios are often computed in order to look at the risk entailed by a business organization—the debt ratio and the long term debt to equity. The debt ratio looks at the portion of the company’s asset which is financed by creditors.Accordingly, it â€Å"gives an idea to the leverage of the company along with the potential risks the company faces in terms of its debt-load† (Debt Ratio 2007). When computed using the balance sheet figures, ARC has a debt ratio of 68%. On the other hand, when market value is utilized the figure shrinks to 67%. This implies that 67-68% of ARC’s assets are financed by its creditors. In the industry as a whole, a higher debt ratio is an indication of higher financial risk because debt is often perceived as riskier method of financing. Thus, when market value is used, ARC has the chance of showing a better credit standing.The disparity is small but not insignificant. It shou ld be noted that investors often look at the credit exposure of the company by looking at the debt ratio. A small percentage can spell a huge difference when investors are making their choice. The debt to equity ratio on the other hand shows the proportion of creditors share to equity holders in the company’s resources. Accordingly, â€Å"A high debt/equity ratio generally means that a company has been aggressive in financing its growth with debt which can result in volatile earnings as a result of the additional interest expense† (Debt to Equity Ratio 2007).Using the balance sheet data, ARC’s debt to equity ratio is 2. 16 while market shows a lower 1. 98. Both of this data shows that ARC’s debt is much greater than its equity account. For the balance sheet data, every dollar in ARC’s equity is matched by a corresponding $2. 16 in total debt. On the other hand, market value data shows that every dollar of equity only has a corresponding 1. 98 debt. In general, the computed ratios show the high exposure of the company to financial risk.It should be noted that debt entails the payment of interest at regular intervals and face value (Keown et al 2005). References â€Å"Debt Ratio,† 2007, Investopedia. com. Retrieved 06 December 2007, from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/d/debtratio. asp â€Å"Debt to Equity Ratio,† 2007, Investopedia. com. Retrieved 06 December 2007, from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/d/debtequityratio. asp Keown, A. J. , Martin, J. D. , Petty, J. W. , and Scott Jr. , D. F, 2005, Financial Management principles and applications, Pearson/Prentice Hall International Edition, 10th Edition.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Angels Demons Chapter 134-137

134 Camerlegno Ventresca's white robe billowed as he moved down the hallway away from the Sistine Chapel. The Swiss Guards had seemed perplexed when he emerged all alone from the chapel and told them he needed a moment of solitude. But they had obeyed, letting him go. Now as he rounded the corner and left their sight, the camerlegno felt a maelstrom of emotions like nothing he thought possible in human experience. He had poisoned the man he called â€Å"Holy Father,† the man who addressed him as â€Å"my son.† The camerlegno had always believed the words â€Å"father† and â€Å"son† were religious tradition, but now he knew the diabolical truth – the words had been literal. Like that fateful night weeks ago, the camerlegno now felt himself reeling madly through the darkness. It was raining the morning the Vatican staff banged on the camerlegno's door, awakening him from a fitful sleep. The Pope, they said, was not answering his door or his phone. The clergy were frightened. The camerlegno was the only one who could enter the Pope's chambers unannounced. The camerlegno entered alone to find the Pope, as he was the night before, twisted and dead in his bed. His Holiness's face looked like that of Satan. His tongue black like death. The Devil himself had been sleeping in the Pope's bed. The camerlegno felt no remorse. God had spoken. Nobody would see the treachery†¦ not yet. That would come later. He announced the terrible news – His Holiness was dead of a stroke. Then the camerlegno prepared for conclave. Mother Maria's voice was whispering in his ear. â€Å"Never break a promise to God.† â€Å"I hear you, Mother,† he replied. â€Å"It is a faithless world. They need to be brought back to the path of righteousness. Horror and Hope. It is the only way.† â€Å"Yes,† she said. â€Å"If not you†¦ then who? Who will lead the church out of darkness?† Certainly not one of the preferiti. They were old†¦ walking death†¦ liberals who would follow the Pope, endorsing science in his memory, seeking modern followers by abandoning the ancient ways. Old men desperately behind the times, pathetically pretending they were not. They would fail, of course. The church's strength was its tradition, not its transience. The whole world was transitory. The church did not need to change, it simply needed to remind the world it was relevant! Evil lives! God will overcome! The church needed a leader. Old men do not inspire! Jesus inspired! Young, vibrant, powerful†¦ Miraculous. â€Å"Enjoy your tea,† the camerlegno told the four preferiti, leaving them in the Pope's private library before conclave. â€Å"Your guide will be here soon.† The preferiti thanked him, all abuzz that they had been offered a chance to enter the famed Passetto. Most uncommon! The camerlegno, before leaving them, had unlocked the door to the Passetto, and exactly on schedule, the door had opened, and a foreign-looking priest with a torch had ushered the excited preferiti in. The men had never come out. They will be the Horror. I will be the Hope. No†¦ I am the horror. The camerlegno staggered now through the darkness of St. Peter's Basilica. Somehow, through the insanity and guilt, through the images of his father, through the pain and revelation, even through the pull of the morphine†¦ he had found a brilliant clarity. A sense of destiny. I know my purpose, he thought, awed by the lucidity of it. From the beginning, nothing tonight had gone exactly as he had planned. Unforeseen obstacles had presented themselves, but the camerlegno had adapted, making bold adjustments. Still, he had never imagined tonight would end this way, and yet now he saw the preordained majesty of it. It could end no other way. Oh, what terror he had felt in the Sistine Chapel, wondering if God had forsaken him! Oh, what deeds He had ordained! He had fallen to his knees, awash with doubt, his ears straining for the voice of God but hearing only silence. He had begged for a sign. Guidance. Direction. Was this God's will? The church destroyed by scandal and abomination? No! God was the one who had willed the camerlegno to act! Hadn't He? Then he had seen it. Sitting on the altar. A sign. Divine communication – something ordinary seen in an extraordinary light. The crucifix. Humble, wooden. Jesus on the cross. In that moment, it had all come clear†¦ the camerlegno was not alone. He would never be alone. This was His will†¦ His meaning. God had always asked great sacrifice of those he loved most. Why had the camerlegno been so slow to understand? Was he too fearful? Too humble? It made no difference. God had found a way. The camerlegno even understood now why Robert Langdon had been saved. It was to bring the truth. To compel this ending. This was the sole path to the church's salvation! The camerlegno felt like he was floating as he descended into the Niche of the Palliums. The surge of morphine seemed relentless now, but he knew God was guiding him. In the distance, he could hear the cardinals clamoring in confusion as they poured from the chapel, yelling commands to the Swiss Guard. But they would never find him. Not in time. The camerlegno felt himself drawn†¦ faster†¦ descending the stairs into the sunken area where the ninety-nine oil lamps shone brightly. God was returning him to Holy Ground. The camerlegno moved toward the grate covering the hole that led down to the Necropolis. The Necropolis is where this night would end. In the sacred darkness below. He lifted an oil lamp, preparing to descend. But as he moved across the Niche, the camerlegno paused. Something about this felt wrong. How did this serve God? A solitary and silent end? Jesus had suffered before the eyes of the entire world. Surely this could not be God's will! The camerlegno listened for the voice of his God, but heard only the blurring buzz of drugs. â€Å"Carlo.† It was his mother. â€Å"God has plans for you.† Bewildered, the camerlegno kept moving. Then, without warning, God arrived. The camerlegno stopped short, staring. The light of the ninety-nine oil lanterns had thrown the camerlegno's shadow on the marble wall beside him. Giant and fearful. A hazy form surrounded by golden light. With flames flickering all around him, the camerlegno looked like an angel ascending to heaven. He stood a moment, raising his arms to his sides, watching his own image. Then he turned, looking back up the stairs. God's meaning was clear. Three minutes had passed in the chaotic hallways outside the Sistine Chapel, and still nobody could locate the camerlegno. It was as if the man had been swallowed up by the night. Mortati was about to demand a full-scale search of Vatican City when a roar of jubilation erupted outside in St. Peter's Square. The spontaneous celebration of the crowd was tumultuous. The cardinals all exchanged startled looks. Mortati closed his eyes. â€Å"God help us.† For the second time that evening, the College of Cardinals flooded onto St. Peter's Square. Langdon and Vittoria were swept up in the jostling crowd of cardinals, and they too emerged into the night air. The media lights and cameras were all pivoted toward the basilica. And there, having just stepped onto the sacred Papal Balcony located in the exact center of the towering fa;ade, Camerlegno Carlo Ventresca stood with his arms raised to the heavens. Even far away, he looked like purity incarnate. A figurine. Dressed in white. Flooded with light. The energy in the square seemed to grow like a cresting wave, and all at once the Swiss Guard barriers gave way. The masses streamed toward the basilica in a euphoric torrent of humanity. The onslaught rushed forward – people crying, singing, media cameras flashing. Pandemonium. As the people flooded in around the front of the basilica, the chaos intensified, until it seemed nothing could stop it. And then something did. High above, the camerlegno made the smallest of gestures. He folded his hands before him. Then he bowed his head in silent prayer. One by one, then dozens by dozens, then hundreds by hundreds, the people bowed their heads along with him. The square fell silent†¦ as if a spell had been cast. In his mind, swirling and distant now, the camerlegno's prayers were a torrent of hopes and sorrows†¦ forgive me, Father†¦ Mother†¦ full of grace†¦ you are the church†¦ may you understand this sacrifice of your only begotten son. Oh, my Jesus†¦ save us from the fires of hell†¦ take all souls to heaven, especially, those most in need of thy mercy†¦ The camerlegno did not open his eyes to see the throngs below him, the television cameras, the whole world watching. He could feel it in his soul. Even in his anguish, the unity of the moment was intoxicating. It was as if a connective web had shot out in all directions around the globe. In front of televisions, at home, and in cars, the world prayed as one. Like synapses of a giant heart all firing in tandem, the people reached for God, in dozens of languages, in hundreds of countries. The words they whispered were newborn and yet as familiar to them as their own voices†¦ ancient truths†¦ imprinted on the soul. The consonance felt eternal. As the silence lifted, the joyous strains of singing began to rise again. He knew the moment had come. Most Holy Trinity, I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul†¦ in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences†¦ The camerlegno already felt the physical pain setting in. It was spreading across his skin like a plague, making him want to claw at his flesh like he had weeks ago when God had first come to him. Do not forget what pain Jesus endured. He could taste the fumes now in his throat. Not even the morphine could dull the bite. My work here is done. The Horror was his. The Hope was theirs. In the Niche of the Palliums, the camerlegno had followed God's will and anointed his body. His hair. His face. His linen robe. His flesh. He was soaking now with the sacred, vitreous oils from the lamps. They smelled sweet like his mother, but they burned. His would be a merciful ascension. Miraculous and swift. And he would leave behind not scandal†¦ but a new strength and wonder. He slipped his hand into the pocket of his robe and fingered the small, golden lighter he had brought with him from the Pallium incendiario. He whispered a verse from Judgments. And when the flame went up toward heaven, the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame. He positioned his thumb. They were singing in St. Peter's Square†¦ The vision the world witnessed no one would ever forget. High above on the balcony, like a soul tearing free of its corporeal restrains, a luminous pyre of flame erupted from the camerlegno's center. The fire shot upward, engulfing his entire body instantly. He did not scream. He raised his arms over his head and looked toward heaven. The conflagration roared around him, entirely shrouding his body in a column of light. It raged for what seemed like an eternity, the whole world bearing witness. The light flared brighter and brighter. Then, gradually, the flames dissipated. The camerlegno was gone. Whether he had collapsed behind the balustrade or evaporated into thin air was impossible to tell. All that was left was a cloud of smoke spiraling skyward over Vatican City. 135 Dawn came late to Rome. An early rainstorm had washed the crowds from St. Peter's Square. The media stayed on, huddling under umbrellas and in vans, commentating on the evening's events. Across the world, churches overflowed. It was a time of reflection and discussion†¦ in all religions. Questions abounded, and yet the answers seemed only to bring deeper questions. Thus far, the Vatican had remained silent, issuing no statement whatsoever. Deep in the Vatican Grottoes, Cardinal Mortati knelt alone before the open sarcophagus. He reached in and closed the old man's blackened mouth. His Holiness looked peaceful now. In quiet repose for eternity. At Mortati's feet was a golden urn, heavy with ashes. Mortati had gathered the ashes himself and brought them here. â€Å"A chance for forgiveness,† he said to His Holiness, laying the urn inside the sarcophagus at the Pope's side. â€Å"No love is greater than that of a father for His son.† Mortati tucked the urn out of sight beneath the papal robes. He knew this sacred grotto was reserved exclusively for the relics of Popes, but somehow Mortati sensed this was appropriate. â€Å"Signore?† someone said, entering the grottoes. It was Lieutenant Chartrand. He was accompanied by three Swiss Guards. â€Å"They are ready for you in conclave.† Mortati nodded. â€Å"In a moment.† He gazed one last time into the sarcophagus before him, and then stood up. He turned to the guards. â€Å"It is time for His Holiness to have the peace he has earned.† The guards came forward and with enormous effort slid the lid of the Pope's sarcophagus back into place. It thundered shut with finality. Mortati was alone as he crossed the Borgia Courtyard toward the Sistine Chapel. A damp breeze tossed his robe. A fellow cardinal emerged from the Apostolic Palace and strode beside him. â€Å"May I have the honor of escorting you to conclave, signore?† â€Å"The honor is mine.† â€Å"Signore,† the cardinal said, looking troubled. â€Å"The college owes you an apology for last night. We were blinded by – â€Å" â€Å"Please,† Mortati replied. â€Å"Our minds sometimes see what our hearts wish were true.† The cardinal was silent a long time. Finally he spoke. â€Å"Have you been told? You are no longer our Great Elector.† Mortati smiled. â€Å"Yes. I thank God for small blessings.† â€Å"The college insisted you be eligible.† â€Å"It seems charity is not dead in the church.† â€Å"You are a wise man. You would lead us well.† â€Å"I am an old man. I would lead you briefly.† They both laughed. As they reached the end of the Borgia Courtyard, the cardinal hesitated. He turned to Mortati with a troubled mystification, as if the precarious awe of the night before had slipped back into his heart. â€Å"Were you aware,† the cardinal whispered, â€Å"that we found no remains on the balcony?† Mortati smiled. â€Å"Perhaps the rain washed them away.† The man looked to the stormy heavens. â€Å"Yes, perhaps†¦Ã¢â‚¬  136 The midmorning sky still hung heavy with clouds as the Sistine Chapel's chimney gave up its first faint puffs of white smoke. The pearly wisps curled upward toward the firmament and slowly dissipated. Far below, in St. Peter's Square, reporter Gunther Glick watched in reflective silence. The final chapter†¦ Chinita Macri approached him from behind and hoisted her camera onto her shoulder. â€Å"It's time,† she said. Glick nodded dolefully. He turned toward her, smoothed his hair, and took a deep breath. My last transmission, he thought. A small crowd had gathered around them to watch. â€Å"Live in sixty seconds,† Macri announced. Glick glanced over his shoulder at the roof of the Sistine Chapel behind him. â€Å"Can you get the smoke?† Macri patiently nodded. â€Å"I know how to frame a shot, Gunther.† Glick felt dumb. Of course she did. Macri's performance behind the camera last night had probably won her the Pulitzer. His performance, on the other hand†¦ he didn't want to think about it. He was sure the BBC would let him go; no doubt they would have legal troubles from numerous powerful entities†¦ CERN and George Bush among them. â€Å"You look good,† Chinita patronized, looking out from behind her camera now with a hint of concern. â€Å"I wonder if I might offer you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She hesitated, holding her tongue. â€Å"Some advice?† Macri sighed. â€Å"I was only going to say that there's no need to go out with a bang.† â€Å"I know,† he said. â€Å"You want a straight wrap.† â€Å"The straightest in history. I'm trusting you.† Glick smiled. A straight wrap? Is she crazy? A story like last night's deserved so much more. A twist. A final bombshell. An unforeseen revelation of shocking truth. Fortunately, Glick had just the ticket waiting in the wings†¦ * * * â€Å"You're on in†¦ five†¦ four†¦ three†¦Ã¢â‚¬  As Chinita Macri looked through her camera, she sensed a sly glint in Glick's eye. I was insane to let him do this, she thought. What was I thinking? But the moment for second thoughts had passed. They were on. â€Å"Live from Vatican City,† Glick announced on cue, â€Å"this is Gunther Glick reporting.† He gave the camera a solemn stare as the white smoke rose behind him from the Sistine Chapel. â€Å"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now official. Cardinal Saverio Mortati, a seventy-nine-year-old progressive, has just been elected the next Pope of Vatican City. Although an unlikely candidate, Mortati was chosen by an unprecedented unanimous vote by the College of Cardinals.† As Macri watched him, she began to breathe easier. Glick seemed surprisingly professional today. Even austere. For the first time in his life, Glick actually looked and sounded somewhat like a newsman. â€Å"And as we reported earlier,† Glick added, his voice intensifying perfectly, â€Å"the Vatican has yet to offer any statement whatsoever regarding the miraculous events of last night.† Good. Chinita's nervousness waned some more. So far, so good. Glick's expression grew sorrowful now. â€Å"And though last night was a night of wonder, it was also a night of tragedy. Four cardinals perished in yesterday's conflict, along with Commander Olivetti and Captain Rocher of the Swiss Guard, both in the line of duty. Other casualties include Leonardo Vetra, the renowned CERN physicist and pioneer of antimatter technology, as well as Maximilian Kohler, the director of CERN, who apparently came to Vatican City in an effort to help but reportedly passed away in the process. No official report has been issued yet on Mr. Kohler's death, but conjecture is that he died due to complications brought on by a long-time illness.† Macri nodded. The report was going perfectly. Just as they discussed. â€Å"And in the wake of the explosion in the sky over the Vatican last night, CERN's antimatter technology has become the hot topic among scientists, sparking excitement and controversy. A statement read by Mr. Kohler's assistant in Geneva, Sylvie Baudeloque, announced this morning that CERN's board of directors, although enthusiastic about antimatter's potential, are suspending all research and licensing until further inquiries into its safety can be examined.† Excellent, Macri thought. Home stretch. â€Å"Notably absent from our screens tonight,† Glick reported, â€Å"is the face of Robert Langdon, the Harvard professor who came to Vatican City yesterday to lend his expertise during this Illuminati crisis. Although originally thought to have perished in the antimatter blast, we now have reports that Langdon was spotted in St. Peter's Square after the explosion. How he got there is still speculation, although a spokesman from Hospital Tiberina claims that Mr. Langdon fell out of the sky into the Tiber River shortly after midnight, was treated, and released.† Glick arched his eyebrows at the camera. â€Å"And if that is true†¦ it was indeed a night of miracles.† Perfect ending! Macri felt herself smiling broadly. Flawless wrap! Now sign off! But Glick did not sign off. Instead, he paused a moment and then stepped toward the camera. He had a mysterious smile. â€Å"But before we sign off†¦Ã¢â‚¬  No! â€Å"†¦ I would like to invite a guest to join me.† Chinita's hands froze on the camera. A guest? What the hell is he doing? What guest! Sign off! But she knew it was too late. Glick had committed. â€Å"The man I am about to introduce,† Glick said, â€Å"is an American†¦ a renowned scholar.† Chinita hesitated. She held her breath as Glick turned to the small crowd around them and motioned for his guest to step forward. Macri said a silent prayer. Please tell me he somehow located Robert Langdon†¦ and not some Illuminati-conspiracy nutcase. But as Glick's guest stepped out, Macri's heart sank. It was not Robert Langdon at all. It was a bald man in blue jeans and a flannel shirt. He had a cane and thick glasses. Macri felt terror. Nutcase! â€Å"May I introduce,† Glick announced, â€Å"the renowned Vatican scholar from De Paul University in Chicago. Dr. Joseph Vanek.† Macri now hesitated as the man joined Glick on camera. This was no conspiracy buff; Macri had actually heard of this guy. â€Å"Dr. Vanek,† Glick said. â€Å"You have some rather startling information to share with us regarding last night's conclave.† â€Å"I do indeed,† Vanek said. â€Å"After a night of such surprises, it is hard to imagine there are any surprises left†¦ and yet†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He paused. Glick smiled. â€Å"And yet, there is a strange twist to all this.† Vanek nodded. â€Å"Yes. As perplexing as this will sound, I believe the College of Cardinals unknowingly elected two Popes this weekend.† Macri almost dropped the camera. Glick gave a shrewd smile. â€Å"Two Popes, you say?† The scholar nodded. â€Å"Yes. I should first say that I have spent my life studying the laws of papal election. Conclave judicature is extremely complex, and much of it is now forgotten or ignored as obsolete. Even the Great Elector is probably not aware of what I am about to reveal. Nonetheless†¦ according to the ancient forgotten laws put forth in the Romano Pontifici Eligendo, Numero 63†¦ balloting is not the only method by which a Pope can be elected. There is another, more divine method. It is called ‘Acclamation by Adoration.'† He paused. â€Å"And it happened last night.† Glick gave his guest a riveted look. â€Å"Please, go on.† â€Å"As you may recall,† the scholar continued, â€Å"last night, when Camerlegno Carlo Ventresca was standing on the roof of the basilica, all of the cardinals below began calling out his name in unison.† â€Å"Yes, I recall.† â€Å"With that image in mind, allow me to read verbatim from the ancient electoral laws.† The man pulled some papers from his pocket, cleared his throat, and began to read. â€Å"‘Election by Adoration occurs when†¦ all the cardinals, as if by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, freely and spontaneously, unanimously and aloud, proclaim one individual's name.'† Glick smiled. â€Å"So you're saying that last night, when the cardinals chanted Carlo Ventresca's name together, they actually elected him Pope?† â€Å"They did indeed. Furthermore, the law states that Election by Adoration supercedes the cardinal eligibility requirement and permits any clergyman – ordained priest, bishop, or cardinal – to be elected. So, as you can see, the camerlegno was perfectly qualified for papal election by this procedure.† Dr. Vanek looked directly into the camera now. â€Å"The facts are these†¦ Carlo Ventresca was elected Pope last night. He reigned for just under seventeen minutes. And had he not ascended miraculously into a pillar of fire, he would now be buried in the Vatican Grottoes along with the other Popes.† â€Å"Thank you, doctor.† Glick turned to Macri with a mischievous wink. â€Å"Most illuminating†¦Ã¢â‚¬  137 High atop the steps of the Roman Coliseum, Vittoria laughed and called down to him. â€Å"Robert, hurry up! I knew I should have married a younger man!† Her smile was magic. He struggled to keep up, but his legs felt like stone. â€Å"Wait,† he begged. â€Å"Please†¦Ã¢â‚¬  There was a pounding in his head. Robert Langdon awoke with a start. Darkness. He lay still for a long time in the foreign softness of the bed, unable to figure out where he was. The pillows were goose down, oversized and wonderful. The air smelled of potpourri. Across the room, two glass doors stood open to a lavish balcony, where a light breeze played beneath a glistening cloud-swept moon. Langdon tried to remember how he had gotten here†¦ and where here was. Surreal wisps of memory sifted back into his consciousness†¦ A pyre of mystical fire†¦ an angel materializing from out of the crowd†¦ her soft hand taking his and leading him into the night†¦ guiding his exhausted, battered body through the streets†¦ leading him here†¦ to this suite†¦ propping him half-sleeping in a scalding hot shower†¦ leading him to this bed†¦ and watching over him as he fell asleep like the dead. In the dimness now, Langdon could see a second bed. The sheets were tousled, but the bed was empty. From one of the adjoining rooms, he could hear the faint, steady stream of a shower. As he gazed at Vittoria's bed, he saw a boldly embroidered seal on her pillowcase. It read: HOTEL BERNINI. Langdon had to smile. Vittoria had chosen well. Old World luxury overlooking Bernini's Triton Fountain†¦ there was no more fitting hotel in all of Rome. As Langdon lay there, he heard a pounding and realized what had awoken him. Someone was knocking at the door. It grew louder. Confused, Langdon got up. Nobody knows we're here, he thought, feeling a trace of uneasiness. Donning a luxuriant Hotel Bernini robe, he walked out of the bedroom into the suite's foyer. He stood a moment at the heavy oak door, and then pulled it open. A powerful man adorned in lavish purple and yellow regalia stared down at him. â€Å"I am Lieutenant Chartrand,† the man said. â€Å"Vatican Swiss Guard.† Langdon knew full well who he was. â€Å"How†¦ how did you find us?† â€Å"I saw you leave the square last night. I followed you. I'm relieved you're still here.† Langdon felt a sudden anxiety, wondering if the cardinals had sent Chartrand to escort Langdon and Vittoria back to Vatican City. After all, the two of them were the only two people beyond the College of Cardinals who knew the truth. They were a liability. â€Å"His Holiness asked me to give this to you,† Chartrand said, handing over an envelope sealed with the Vatican signet. Langdon opened the envelope and read the handwritten note. Mr. Langdon and Ms. Vetra, Although it is my profound desire to request your discretion in the matters of the past 24 hours, I cannot possibly presume to ask more of you than you have already given. I therefore humbly retreat hoping only that you let your hearts guide you in this matter. The world seems a better place today†¦ maybe the questions are more powerful than the answers. My door is always open, His Holiness, Saverio Mortati Langdon read the message twice. The College of Cardinals had obviously chosen a noble and munificent leader. Before Langdon could say anything, Chartrand produced a small package. â€Å"A token of thanks from His Holiness.† Langdon took the package. It was heavy, wrapped in brown paper. â€Å"By his decree,† Chartrand said, â€Å"this artifact is on indefinite loan to you from the sacred Papal Vault. His Holiness asks only that in your last will and testament you ensure it finds its way home.† Langdon opened the package and was struck speechless. It was the brand. The Illuminati Diamond. Chartrand smiled. â€Å"May peace be with you.† He turned to go. â€Å"Thank†¦ you,† Langdon managed, his hands trembling around the precious gift. The guard hesitated in the hall. â€Å"Mr. Langdon, may I ask you something?† â€Å"Of course.† â€Å"My fellow guards and I are curious. Those last few minutes†¦ what happened up there in the helicopter?† Langdon felt a rush of anxiety. He knew this moment was coming – the moment of truth. He and Vittoria had talked about it last night as they stole away from St. Peter's Square. And they had made their decision. Even before the Pope's note. Vittoria's father had dreamed his antimatter discovery would bring about a spiritual awakening. Last night's events were no doubt not what he had intended, but the undeniable fact remained†¦ at this moment, around the world, people were considering God in ways they never had before. How long the magic would last, Langdon and Vittoria had no idea, but they knew they could never shatter the wonderment with scandal and doubt. The Lord works in strange ways, Langdon told himself, wondering wryly if maybe†¦ just maybe†¦ yesterday had been God's will after all. â€Å"Mr. Langdon?† Chartrand repeated. â€Å"I was asking about the helicopter?† Langdon gave a sad smile. â€Å"Yes, I know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He felt the words flow not from his mind but from his heart. â€Å"Perhaps it was the shock of the fall†¦ but my memory†¦ it seems†¦ it's all a blur†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Chartrand slumped. â€Å"You remember nothing?† Langdon sighed. â€Å"I fear it will remain a mystery forever.† When Robert Langdon returned to the bedroom, the vision awaiting him stopped him in his tracks. Vittoria stood on the balcony, her back to the railing, her eyes gazing deeply at him. She looked like a heavenly apparition†¦ a radiant silhouette with the moon behind her. She could have been a Roman goddess, enshrouded in her white terrycloth robe, the drawstring cinched tight, accentuating her slender curves. Behind her, a pale mist hung like a halo over Bernini's Triton Fountain. Langdon felt wildly drawn to her†¦ more than to any woman in his life. Quietly, he lay the Illuminati Diamond and the Pope's letter on his bedside table. There would be time to explain all of that later. He went to her on the balcony. Vittoria looked happy to see him. â€Å"You're awake,† she said, in a coy whisper. â€Å"Finally.† Langdon smiled. â€Å"Long day.† She ran a hand through her luxuriant hair, the neck of her robe falling open slightly. â€Å"And now†¦ I suppose you want your reward.† The comment took Langdon off guard. â€Å"I'm†¦ sorry?† â€Å"We're adults, Robert. You can admit it. You feel a longing. I see it in your eyes. A deep, carnal hunger.† She smiled. â€Å"I feel it too. And that craving is about to be satisfied.† â€Å"It is?† He felt emboldened and took a step toward her. â€Å"Completely.† She held up a room-service menu. â€Å"I ordered everything they've got.† The feast was sumptuous. They dined together by moonlight†¦ sitting on their balcony†¦ savoring frisee, truffles, and risotto. They sipped Dolcetto wine and talked late into the night. Langdon did not need to be a symbologist to read the signs Vittoria was sending him. During dessert of boysenberry cream with savoiardi and steaming Romcaffe, Vittoria pressed her bare legs against his beneath the table and fixed him with a sultry stare. She seemed to be willing him to set down his fork and carry her off in his arms. But Langdon did nothing. He remained the perfect gentleman. Two can play at this game, he thought, hiding a roguish smile. When all the food was eaten, Langdon retired to the edge of his bed where he sat alone, turning the Illuminati Diamond over and over in his hands, making repeated comments about the miracle of its symmetry. Vittoria stared at him, her confusion growing to an obvious frustration. â€Å"You find that ambigram terribly interesting, don't you?† she demanded. Langdon nodded. â€Å"Mesmerizing.† â€Å"Would you say it's the most interesting thing in this room?† Langdon scratched his head, making a show of pondering it. â€Å"Well, there is one thing that interests me more.† She smiled and took a step toward him. â€Å"That being?† â€Å"How you disproved that Einstein theory using tuna fish.† Vittoria threw up her hands. â€Å"Dio m? ¬o! Enough with the tuna fish! Don't play with me, I'm warning you.† Langdon grinned. â€Å"Maybe for your next experiment, you could study flounders and prove the earth is flat.† Vittoria was steaming now, but the first faint hints of an exasperated smile appeared on her lips. â€Å"For your information, professor, my next experiment will make scientific history. I plan to prove neutrinos have mass.† â€Å"Neutrinos have mass?† Langdon shot her a stunned look. â€Å"I didn't even know they were Catholic!† With one fluid motion, she was on him, pinning him down. â€Å"I hope you believe in life after death, Robert Langdon.† Vittoria was laughing as she straddled him, her hands holding him down, her eyes ablaze with a mischievous fire. â€Å"Actually,† he choked, laughing harder now, â€Å"I've always had trouble picturing anything beyond this world.† â€Å"Really? So you've never had a religious experience? A perfect moment of glorious rapture?† Langdon shook his head. â€Å"No, and I seriously doubt I'm the kind of man who could ever have a religious experience.† Vittoria slipped off her robe. â€Å"You've never been to bed with a yoga master, have you?†

Monday, July 29, 2019

(Name of film) is valuable (or not valuable) in the study of 20th Essay

(Name of film) is valuable (or not valuable) in the study of 20th century America because (fill in reason) - Essay Example ils the only criminal case in the country that charged anyone with conspiracy in the death of the president or called into question the results of the Warren Commission. At the same time, it takes a look into the personal life of Garrison as he dealt with both internal and external pressures in bringing this case to trial. With the depth of the movie’s explorations, it is possible to deduct some of the more important socio-political movements of the time period in which it is set. Because of the way in which he goes about detailing the development of various theories as to what happened that afternoon in Texas, Stone’s interpretation makes it clear in a very public way that at the least, the Warren Commission could not have been correct in its findings when it ruled a lone gunman achieved the death of a president. Up to the release of the movie, Americans were falling asleep regarding the details behind the assassination, but with its release, they once again asked the questions that had remained unanswered since the House Select Committee on Assassination Report was released in 1979 (Renner, n.d.). This public reaction eventually led to the release in 1994 of some documents associated with the Warren Commission’s report. Oliver Stone’s JFK is valuable in the study of 20th century America because it re-examines a nation-changing event, asking the questions that had been almost forgotten and never answered. Despite his insistence that he is not trying to portray a historically factual documentary regarding the assassination, Stone utilizes several real-life players in depicting his version of events. Key among these is President Kennedy himself. By refusing to recast the president, Stone not only proves his talent as a director working with limited available footage, he provides a sense of reality into the story. When he uses the Zapruder film, Stone is able to inject a somber mood of reflection as audiences realize this is the actual event and not

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Could the United States continue as one nation What values resided at Essay

Could the United States continue as one nation What values resided at the core of the nations identity And What did they believe it meant to be an American - Essay Example The first example of this is when the colonists moved the Native Americans off their own land. This caused a lot of fighting such as the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, where 3,000 U.S. soldiers fought and beat 2,000 Native Americans. Other Indians were forced to move from their land and live on reservations. Another terrible event with the Native Americans was the Trail of Tears in 1838. About 15,000 Cherokees were forced to leave their possessions and homes in Georgia and go to Oklahoma. About 4,000 of the Indians died on the trail. Another race that was discriminated by Americans was the Africans. Americans thought they were superior and they enslaved the Africans. They thought that Africans were racially inferior. Africans were taken from their homes, crammed on to ships, and then sold as slaves. They were treated bad and did not have rights. Finally after the Civil War, slavery was abolished. Even though there was still racism, this was viewed as a good change. Change is generally thought of as a good thing to Americans. Change is thought of as improvement, progress, and advancement in the American society. Nevertheless, in older and more traditional cultures, change is thought to be disparaging and troublesome. New technology is always being introduced and welcomed in the U.S. This could be because many inventors lived in America and introduced these new inventions. One of the first great inventors in America was Benjamin Franklin. In the mid 1700s, Franklin did many activities to help the technology in the U.S. get better, including experiments with lightning. Thomas Edison invented many things to fuel this characteristic of Americans, such as the incandescent light bulb. Between 1867 and 1931, Edison had patented over 1,000 inventions. Another great inventor was Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone in 1876. Before 1860, the U.S. Patent Office had only issued 36,000 patents, but

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Information and communication technologies Essay

Information and communication technologies - Essay Example Introduction of various types of computer-rel'ted communic'tion technologies now allow p'rticip'nts to exch'nge inform'tion in ' m'nner th't is not like either interperson'l or m'ss communic'tion ch'nnels (Re'rdon & Rogers, 1988). The new communic'tion technologies 're networking tools in th't their m'in function is to connect individu'ls' computers by telephone lines or c'bles. These inter'ctive technologies c'n link dist'nt individu'ls who might otherwise be un'ble or unlikely to communic'te. ICT f'cilit'te both the one-to-one 'nd the one-to-sever'l exch'nge th't is ch'r'cteristic of interperson'l communic'tion, 'nd the one-to-m'ny flow of inform'tion th't is ch'r'cteristic of m'ss medi' communic'tion. Marketers have been using electronic tools for years but the Internet and other information technologies have created a flood of interestinf and innocative to ptovide customer value. ICT can be used extensively for the business communication, and more precisely for accessing information. Diferent apparatus such as telephone, facsimile of Internet can suit the business needs. These devices and services they delivermay make available the business support sercivice through local intermediaries as well as from official sources. Accessing information is not only for business environment. The growing import'n... Nor h've pr'ctitioners of business communic'tion f'iled to notice the "inform'tion revolution" th't h's been occurring in their org'niz'tions. New opportunities for consulting, tr'ining, 'nd 'n'lysis 're provided by the problems 'ssoci'ted with the introduction 'nd imp'cts of the new inter'ctive technologies. One of the most widely-discussed new ICT is the Internet, ' computer network linking ' l'rge number of previously-existing computer networks. In recent ye'rs, Internet h's become the network of networks, 's its number of users re'ched critic'l m'ss: the point 't which ' cert'in minimum number of users h've 'dopted so th't the r'te of 'doption of the new communic'tion technology suddenly t'kes off (Rogers, 1995). Once 'n ICT re'ches this critic'l m'ss, 's in the c'se of ' m'ss of r'dio'ctive m'teri'l th't goes critic'l (the phenomenon in nucle'r physics from which critic'l m'ss derives it n'me), e'ch 'ddition'l user incre'ses the number of potenti'l network connections exponenti'lly (Rice & D'nowski, 1993). Thus, one c'n underst'nd why getting to critic'l m'ss is the cruci'l str'tegy for the introduction of 'n ICT in business communic'tions.The gre'ter e'se of communic'tion 'cross physic'l 'nd soci'l dist'nce provided by inter'ctive communic'tion systems m'y le'd to problems of inform 'tion overlo'd. For ex'mple, Bill G'tes, the ch'irm'n 'nd co-founder of Microsoft, the gig'ntic softw're comp'ny, m'kes his e-m'il 'ddress known to 'll Microsoft employees ('lthough he keeps his telephone number f'irly priv'te). Employees send ' tot'l of 200 million e-m'il mess'ges to e'ch other every month. G'tes reserves sever'l hours e'ch d'y to communic'te on e-m'il. Individu'ls who 're not employees of Microsoft h've little difficulty in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Business - Essay Example Secondary school teachers are required to teach students aged between 9-15 years. They are entitled with roles such as instructing students on a given subject. Other roles that could be specified in the job description include planning curriculum (Western Connecticut State University 2013). The description should also include the role of the teacher as a motivator. Preparing the job description for a teacher entails coming up with the list of tasks related with the job and refining the tasks to come up with a summarized ideal list. The list clarifies the expectations of the employee on the applicants (acas 2012). Preparing the Person Specification A person specification includes the list of skill, qualifications, and experiences as well as other aspects that the successful candidate will be required to have. Preparing the person specification entails clearly stating the specific requirements in terms of skills and other professional and work related knowledge. Attracting the Right Ca ndidates (Advertising) Attracting the right candidate entails advertising the job in a mannerism that targets the right candidate. This involves using a job title that grabs the attention of job seekers. Be specific about the title to ensure that people without the relevant background do not apply. To ensure that the advertisement is not ignored, the responsibilities of the successful candidate should be clearly stated in addition to location, pay rate and other essential skills. Additionally, the advertisement should involve use of simple and comprehensible words. To make the application interesting the roles and responsibilities should be listed using bullets (acas 2012; (Graduaterecruitmentbureau 2013). Sending Out Applications Forms Application forms are frequently used to recruit new employees. It is filled by applicants and used for shortlisting purposes. The application form can be printed on paper and sent to the applicants through post. Moreover, the form can be documented electronically and sent through electronic email (Graduaterecruitmentbureau 2013). Shortlisting The process of shortlisting is used to eliminate unsuitable candidates. This entails checking if the applicants have fulfilled the specified educational requirements, have appropriate professional qualifications and experiences and if their CV show the required evidence of competency. Interviewing / Tests The aim of interview is to affirm the effectiveness of shortlisting. The interview should be designed with the aim of checking for personality fit, evaluate if the applicant is compatible and select the applicant who best meets the expectations. This entails asking questions agreed upon by the interviewing panel. The interview questions should test for creativity, vision, evaluating the applicant capability of dealing with situations, ability to influence other that is crucial for teaching. Moreover, the questions should test for communication ability and understanding of oneself and oth er (Western

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hybrid Cars Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hybrid Cars Research Paper - Essay Example You never plug in these cars to recharge the battery -- you simply fill the gas tank. The Toyota Prius, a five passenger hybrid about the size of a Corolla, gets 52 miles per gallon around town and 45 on the highway. The smaller Honda Insight gets 70 miles per gallon overall, making it the highest-mileage car ever to hit the mass market -- ideal for today's soaring energy prices. Hybrid technology also works on a larger scale. In 1999, five hybrid busses ran up to 18 hours a day in New York City. The 40-foot busses used a diesel engine running at constant speed. The hefty batteries were used to accelerate and recover energy from braking. Hybrids combine the best of electricity and gasoline. Instead of recharging through a plug, the batteries get their juice from a small, light gasoline or diesel engine. When you hit the brakes, kinetic energy is converted into electricity, and then stored in the battery. At a stop light, the engine shuts down entirely. Hybrids sound good -- they are, for example, exempt from the range limitations of battery-powered cars. But even hybrids could seem passed by 2004, when major auto makers promise to start selling cars powered by fuel cells. Fuel cells make electricity without burning anything. They don't even have moving parts. In the effort to cut auto pollution, hybrids and battery cars are a step forward, assuming anybody will buy them. But they're far from perfect: Hybrids burn gasoline, making air pollution. Batteries run down, and even though battery cars are called "zero emissions" vehicles, they generally just move the pollution rather than eliminate it (Lovins 1995, pp.73). On the horizon, however, is a car where "zero emissions" meets truth-in-advertising. Bye-bye catalytic converters and associated pollution-control gadgetry. In fact, it will be so long to pollution entirely. In fuel-cell cars running on hydrogen, the waste products amount to water and heat. The fuel cell, furthermore, is a new kind of engine -- one without moving parts! Even if fuel cells burn alcohol or gasoline, they will be far more efficient than today's internal combustion engines, and will produce less carbon dioxide, the primary culprit in global warming. Fuel cells have been producing power since the start of the space age. But bulky, expensive and relatively weak, the cells seemed unlikely to find a place under the hood of Detroit's finest. Then, in the 1980s, Canadian engineer Geoffrey Ballard began tinkering with fuel cells in search of a cleaner way to move people and goods. Among the several possible varieties, Ballard selected the proton-exchange membrane, a technology that operates at low temperature and starts up quickly; making it suitable for a machine that would replace the Buick Road Master (Polokovic 2000, p.A1). Like batteries, fuel cells make electricity from chemical reactions. But while batteries have a limited supply of chemical energy, fuel cells get chemical energy from the fuel, so they drive until the tank runs dry. Like a battery, a fuel cell has a cathode, with a positive charge, and an anode, with a negative charge. The cell uses a catalyst -- often platinum -- to dissociate some electrons from atoms. These liberated

Sustainability and the Green Supply Chain Essay

Sustainability and the Green Supply Chain - Essay Example This can be justified with reference to the fact that contemporary organisations intend to develop green supply chain related procedure in order to sustain in this competitive landscape and thereby, preserve their leadership positioning. The notion of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is often identified as the key attribute in such measures applied by contemporary organisations, fundamentally described as â€Å"the process of using environmentally friendly inputs and transforming these inputs into outputs that can be reclaimed and re-used at the end of their lifecycle thus, creating a sustainable supply chain† (Cognizant, 2008). It is worth mentioning that a sustainable supply chain is typically observed as a sole entity instead of a sequence of fragmented constituents that encompass various significant aspects such as manufacturing, procurement and distribution among others (Rushton & et. al., 2010). It can thus be apparently observed that the focus of a sustainable GSCM is to support modern organisations through increased customer value, profitability along with overall productivity and attaining superior competitive positioning over their chief business market participants (Christopher, 2012; Wisner, 2011). The major facets of a sustainable GSCM include safeguarding the environment, value creation, fostering innovation in every operational procedure of the organisation, forming as well as developing effective interrelation with every organisational member and minimising any sort of hazards that are likely to arise while performing diverse operational functions. Specially mentioning, the modern organisations tend to prioritise forming a sustainable GSCM, owing to certain significant benefits that it delivers to them in this present globalisation and technological era. These benefits are usually recognised in the form of enhanced brand image, lessened logistics, manufacturing or other related costs, optimised manufacturing procedures, expansion to n ew business markets and developed SCM process among others (Morana, 2013; Dai, 2011; Cognizant, 2008). With this concern, the essay intends to describe the imperative aspect of sustainability and green supply chain by considering a particular real organisation, which has an international profile. In this regard, BP plc has been taken into concern as the organisation. The major concerns of sustainability along with green supply chain relating to BP plc have also been described in this essay. A Brief Background of BP plc BP plc, which was formerly acknowledged as British Petroleum, is currently regarded as one of the foremost global oil and gas companies throughout the globe. The company conducts its operational functions in numerous nations, employing a substantial number of personnel that stood at nearly 85,900 during the year 2012 (BP plc, 2013). The company mainly deals with various sorts of business functions ranging from delivering fuel to customers for transportation, energy fo r light along with heat and lubricants for keeping diverse kinds of machines to petrochemical products that are used for preparing daily items (BP plc, 2013). The mission of the company is to become a worldwide leader in the respective industry. The company focuses upon maintaining certain values that are coined as one team, respect, safety, excellence and respect in order to attain its predetermined business targets (BP plc, 2013). Assessing its recent sustainable strategies, it has been recognised that BP is often regarded as one of the well-known brands, which has been operating since its commencement in the 19th century. One of the major strengths of the company can be apparently observed in terms that it

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Charles Gains Conceptualism in Los Angeles Essay

Charles Gains Conceptualism in Los Angeles - Essay Example Ever since the 1960s2, when art in Los Angeles was defined by the introduction of abstract depictions, conceptualization has grown steadily amongst artists. Previous, one sees many faces in painting3 which had led to modernism by themed-nineteenth century. In conceptualization, the focus is on using abstract modes of expression to depict materials that we see around us in daily life, in an all new way. The main advantage of having such an art form was that lovers of art got a new perspective to look at nature and things around them. The perspective was believed to be initially impressionistic. Greenberg in his work Towards a Newer Laocoon, historically delineates how art has been evolving to become â€Å"pure† in its â€Å"medium† and in doing so it must retain the paint and the canvas for what it is and only convey sensation. Once this prescription has been satisfied the painter has achieved the â€Å"medium† of abstract art. Clark’s interpretation of Gre enberg’s Towards a Newer Laocoon, sparks a heated debate between him and Michael Fried. Clark argues that Greenberg is historicizing in his writing and ignoring that art is a reflection of the artist social environment. Formalism should not be the only thing accounted for in a painting but content as well. Artistic standards in history go hand in hand with social practice, which is evident in nineteenth-century Romantics. According to Clement Greenberg (1982), official painting and art forms were set to take a backseat in new forms of artistic depiction. Greenberg argues that if an artwork can be interpreted and agreed upon to be representative of a specific â€Å"situation† or â€Å" object†, then it is merely an imitation rather than a medium. Art (paintings and sculptures) in the 17th and 18th century was directly imitating literature, and so literature being the medium- art was just an illusion of literature.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Q8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Q8 - Essay Example ast that everyone has difficulty keeping up with them and developing conclusive interpretations about their effects on organizations (Weitz and Shenhav 2000). The balanced-scorecard measures would help to identify advances in technology, especially computer, information, and communications technology, have presented organizations and managers with dramatic new challenges and opportunities, and researchers have been pressing to develop the theoretical and research grounding needed to understand and manage these developments. The rapid advent of computer applications, the Internet, and other forms of information and communication technology have major implications for organizations and their management, but people have trouble saying exactly what effects they have and why. As for effects on public organizations, especially until recently, research has been scarce. The rational for the balanced-scorecard is to investigate and analyze new trends in information systems application and the ir impact on communication, effects on corporate design, structure and productivity. The framework helps to explain why even very similar technological initiatives can have very different outcomes, because of different organizational and institutional influences on their implementation. Fountain also describes how such influences raise formidable challenges for successful utilization in government, given the strong, often entrenched organizational and institutional influences. These components of the framework combine to influence the way technological initiatives play out (Castellano and Young, 2006). 2. The main criteria I will use to assess the information technology are desirability and efficiency test. The objectives of the analysis are to (1) identify the main applications of information technology in a given organization; (2) analyze their impact on a corporate organization, (3) identify the main trends and factors which influence implementation of information technology and (4)

Monday, July 22, 2019

How well do you communicate Essay Example for Free

How well do you communicate Essay I am considered to be a communicative person who established an outstanding raport with others. I am able to listen deeply to people,to help them ,to share my experience with them. Many of them tell me I am a good listener and when I talk they usually listen to me. What is important for a good communication? You need to take into consideration the point of view of others. I respect their opinion,but I respect my opinion as well. . I understand how people interpret my communicative style and I am able to avoid misunderstanding. I sometimes handle children hassles effectively. People usually understand my thoughts and I can nderstand theirs.. The tone of my voice sometimes communicates how I feel about my partner. Determining a communication problem is not very hard for me and I am often able to resolve it. I usually speak in a gentle manner,to give an impression of kindness. I often stay calm in tense situations. I can express my feelings and tell people close to me how much I care about them. My relationship with my family is full of emotion and devotion. Many people think I am a friendly and expansive person. I often know how to cooperate with them and they usually do what I want them to do. Read more:  Reasons why people communicate  essay However,I have not always been so successful. I was shy when I was younger and did not speak with assertion. It was hard for me to express my thoughts,it was hard for others to know how I felt about something. Later,I improved my communication skills. During my experience,I began to speak louder and people could understand me. I listened to others more carefully. I learned that it is important to avoid passive style of communication. I also learned to speak with more assertion because my own opinion is as important as the opinion of other people. I usually tell people to stay calm in unpleasant situations in order to avoid misunderstanding or aggressive communication. This style enables me to communicate effectively. I discovered that my body language and some gestures I made earlier affected my communication in a bad way. Eye contact is extremely important as it shows respect and interest for the person you are talking to. In addition to this,posture is another important aspect of dealing with others and sometimes it affected my communication. I learned to get my posture right which made me feel better. By finding out the major cause of communication breakdown,I could easily improve it. Being aware of the importance of a successful communication,I am trying to find the ways to improve my communication skills. For example,using body language may lead to great communication. This is especially useful when I am not sure how to start a conversation. In addition to this,I need to be clear about what I want to communicate. I also need to be confident that the information if useful and accurate. By successfully getting my message accross,I convey my thoughts effectively .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Power of Film as Propaganda

The Power of Film as Propaganda The power of film as propaganda reality or myth? Throughout history various persons and administrations in power have attempted to win the hearts and supports of their constituents, often through reframing or reinterpreting historical events in a light favourable to them. This was certainly the case in the Russian Revolution of1917. The Bolsheviks and Lenin, their leader, sought to use film to recast events of the revolution in such a way as to rally and unify the Russian peasantry. Filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein was one of those recruited for the task, and while many government-sponsored films of the time have disappeared into the massive pile of poor quality filmmaking, two of his works in particular, Battleship Potemkin and October, were powerful in framing the Russian Revolution in the eyes of the world and his own people. These works demonstrate the power of film, even those recognised as containing elements of propaganda. Hostility and outbreaks had been building prior to the1917 Revolution, with general dissatisfaction for the Tsarist regime. One such event, a naval uprising in Odessa, was chosen by Eisenstein to show the liberation needed by the working class under the csars, which he considered had been subsequently provided by the Bolsheviks. Historically, the event was a mutiny of the seamen against the officers, and had been a major event in the earlier Revolution of 1905. Commissioned by the Soviet Central Committee to create a film commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the 1905 Revolution, Eisenstein originally planned a sweeping series of eight films, forming a panoramic view of 1905 events. However, when confronted with the communist definition of a workable budget, he quickly reduced the number to one. The film included significant license with the actual historical events of the incident, as Eisenstein and his government backers both made changes to portray the situation in a way supportive of the then-current Bolshevik regime. For example, whilst in reality the sailors were captured and incarcerated, Eisenstein ends the movie with the sailors in a rallying cry of class solidarity, rather than being herded off to prison. Eisenstein also used a variety of cinematic devices to reinforce his theme, regardless of historical accuracy. He staged the slaughter of civilians by the Cossacks on a series of steps in Odessa, undercutting close-ups of guns and faces with scenes of fleeing civilians and attacking soldiers to depict the slaughter of the populace by the czars troops. Overseas the film was a rousing success. European and American viewers and critics alike were impressed with the realism of the film and its filmmaking firsts. Eisenstein was the first to use editing to juxtapose apparently unrelated images, to create rapid and dynamic shifts in rhythm, and to compress and expand physical action rather than function simply as a storytelling device. The newsreel-like style of the film was another innovation praised by foreign critics. Americas National Board of Review reported at the time the faithful reproduction of this historical event by adhering as much as possible to a literal transcription and reproduction of officially documented facts Nothing approaching the reality of these scenes has ever occurred in cinematicsbefore. Interestingly, most American audiences regarded Potemkin as a celebration of freedom and liberation, rather than a support of a particular political agenda(Browne 182). Initial critics, with the exception of Gerstein who briefly mentions the propagandistic nature of the final scene, also viewed the film as historically accurate. Given only the partial and fragmentary information about the Soviet Union, the American agencies of interpretation the journalists and the critics sought to sketch a picture of something very new and unknown and used the figure of Eisenstein and the realism of his film to do so. However, by the late 1920s, critics were reconsidering the propaganda elements in Soviet films. For example, in his profile on Eisenstein in 1928, Alfred Barr openly explained the Russian governments involvement in the Potemkin and filmmaking in general, and the propagandistic elements of the movie. Intellects on both sides of the Atlantic appeared to have been quite taken with the reality of the movie, enough to overlook such elements of propaganda, and praise the Soviet filmmaker for his reality, a stark contrast to the to the fictionality and to t he vulgar artifice of the Hollywood image so despised by many of the intellectual elite. The film was not so well received in Russia. While by the 1930s, the Civil War became something of a focus for the revolutionary myth in Soviet cinema just the way the West was won fulfilled a similar function in Hollywood, at the time of its release Soviet audiences preferred lighter and more conventional faire. The problem was that, as long as Soviet audiences had a choice, they preferred the films that were popular elsewhere in Europe, and were happy with a diet of Hollywood hits or Soviet imitations. In addition, Potemkin featured no central hero with whom audiences could identify; the main character of the movie is best described as the collective masses. While Eisensteins lack of a central character fascinated Western audiences, it dehumanised Soviets, who were uninterested in the Cine-Eyes more perfect visions of reality. Potemkin had to be taken off after only two weeks, to be replaced with are turn of Robin Hood starring Douglas Fairbanks, the film featured before its releas e. While the power of Potemkin as propaganda was far more convincing, at least initially, abroad, Eisensteins next great work, October, enjoyed tremendous success at home and was valuable as a way of reframing the October events for decades. Scholar recognise the inaccuracies and license of the film. Figes, for example, contends October is Eisensteins brilliant but largely fictional propaganda film. Rosenstone also acknowledges both the initial impact and lasting influence of the film.  October  has become and remains one of the best known and most enduring accounts of October so well known that it seems no exaggeration to suggest that more people have probably learned about the Bolshevik Revolution from the film than from any other single source. As October had a much stronger impact on the Russian public, both as a movie and as propaganda, it is important to consider the situation in Russia at the time and how it influenced the films creation and support. The Russian peasantry, accounting for eighty percent of the population, was largely hostile and overwhelmingly illiterate speaking more than a hundred different languages. In addition, peasants as a group were largely politically ignorant, and needed, it was felt by government leaders, to be properly informed. Peasants were inclined to believe naively in every printed word, and therefore open to persuasion from a variety of sources. Lack of vocabulary amongst the group and misunderstandings with speakers sent by the Bolshevik regime to educate them further compounded the communication problem. Furthermore, the peasants had not supported the Bolsheviks coming into power. Immediately after the overthrow in October, in November 1917, the Bolsheviks held an election as they had promised. Unfortunately for them, they were not the most supported party, although no group received a majority vote. The Bolsheviks lost the November 1917 election to the Socialist Revolutionaries, who received forty-four percent of the vote to the Bolsheviks twenty-seven percent. Although they lost, the Bolsheviks nonetheless seized and consolidated power. This left the government as one in need of persuasive means to address its constituents. Not having been elected by the people, it depended largely on the power of the word to establish its authority. The Civil War that occurred following the Revolution necessitated urgent, cheap and effective measures to win over the hearts and minds of the people in whose name the Bolsheviks claimed to govern. In response, Lenin realised the importance of the dyna mic visual propaganda that cinema could offer and set the government on a course of creating propaganda films. Films would serve to not only entertain, but to allow the Bolsheviks to construct their particular utopia out of the ruins of Tsarist Russia. However, By the 1930s, the Party functionaries recognized that the films were not useful propaganda instruments as long as they could not attract a mass audience. Russians clearly preferred Hollywood-type films, and had similar response to government-produced propaganda films as they had to Potemkin, although such works had little of its quality or creativity. Government leaders recognised that their greatest artists, who made experimental, innovative films, could not communicate with the simple people who wanted to be entertained. They developed a new slogan for art in the Soviet Republics, loosely translated as movies for the masses. Experimentation was denounced as formalism, as something alien to Soviet art, and now each film had to be immediately comprehensible even to the least educated. Many artists and writers immediately following the 1917 Revolution also recognised the need to enlighten the peasantry, and the potential for creative media to communicate new life options to them, and initially joined in government efforts. Filmmakers such as Eisenstein and Kozintsev, for example, were determined in their different ways to use their new art form to construct a new Sovietman. However, with the increasing and ever more intrusive censorship, in combination with limitations on creativity and severe punishments for violations of government guidelines, many film producers simply stopped making movies. Whilst the cinema became increasingly popular, movie selection decreased. By the 1930s, foreign films had been banned; Soviet films also decreased. Whilst in the 1920s over one hundred movies were made annually, but this number had dropped to less than forty by the 1930s. Content was for the most part centred on the benefits of the Bolshevik regime and the evils of the Tsarist one. Class consciousness could usually be reduced to an understanding that there were enemies everywhere, that the Soviet was of life was superior, that it was the duty of decent people to participate in the building of socialism, that the primary allegiance one owes is to Soviet society and not to the family. As Kenez wryly notes, if one judged the world entirely on the basis of Soviet films, one might have imagined that the task of Soviet border guards was to keep out all those who hoped to enter. The Bolshevik government needed to rally illiterate masses to its support, whilst the Soviet Republic spanned a gigantic geographical and cultural plethora, and a number of events leading up to the current regime seizing power were morally questionable, at best. The question is whether propaganda films really exerted the influence over the public that many have long held unquestionably that they do. The Soviets certainly committed a surprising amount of scarce resources, although not as much as the filmmakers would have liked, to this novel form of propaganda, recognising the apparent potential of the medium of cinema for powerful, mass, political propaganda. Reeves contends that in many countries, including the UK and Soviet Republic, the power of film propaganda was simply assumed. Through the 1950s,politicians and commentators alike seem to have become only more convinced that the mass media in general, cinema in particular, provided a weapon uniquely capable of effectively moulding the ideology of the masses. Reeves further contends that empirical studies in Britain between the First and Second World Wars are primarily supportive of the power of film propaganda and the media to influence the general populace. Almost without exception int er-war studies stressed their enormous power, using metaphors like hypodermic needle or magic bullet to characterise that power in contrast to the weakness of the mass of people who, whether they liked it or not, received the messages which the media generated. While there have been more recent challenges to these findings, Eisensteins October is widely held to have had a profound impact both on the Russian people and foreigners in shaping their perception and understanding of the Bolsheviks rise to power. Although October was made before the changes to filmmaking of the 1930s, it very much followed the type of movie propaganda scheme the government would later require. The film was commissioned by the Soviet agency in charge of the production and distribution of films, Sovkino, as part of the tenth anniversary celebration of the 1917events. Ever the visionary, Eisenstein first planned to create a heroic epic, spanning from the February 1917 overthrow of the Czar to the end of the Civil War in 1921.Pressures of time (both on the screen and in the production process) led to aversion that covered a smaller slice of the past: from February through October1917. The story the movie tells, and the way it tells that story are surely part of along tradition of explaining why and how the Bolsheviks took power. One might even argue that October had a significant role in creating that tradition. The film neither accurately represents what happened nor entirely fictionalises events, instead combining the two to create a picture in the minds of many of the Revolution. The film opens with the downfall of the Russian Czar in February of 1917.While it overdoes the evilness of the Tsarist regime a bit from an historical standpoint, this presents a strong contrast for the following events. Of particular note is the handling of the July Days protests in July of 1917.The Bolsheviks had assembled over fifty thousand supporters, had surrounded the Tauride Palace, and had taken hostage a representative of the Provisional Government during the protest. Bolshevik leaders truly did decide not to overthrown the government during this time, calming the crowd and a voiding bloodshed. Eisenstein is considered by many scholars to be relatively accurate in his rendition of the July events, although he creates from a decidedly Bolshevik point of view. Eisenstein shows us the masses of marching protesters, the bloodshed on the Nevsky Prospekt, the anger of the middle classes against the lower orders, the Bolshevik speakers calming the soldiers, insisting it is not time to seize power. Similarly, Rosenstone states that historians have little dissent over much of the things that led up to the October events, or how Eisenstein handled them. The February Revolution, he contends, was truly popular and necessary, while the Provisional Government was inept, inefficient, stupid or criminal in its attempt to continue the war. Eisensteins portrayal of Kerenskys handling of the entire situation is alsosupported by historians. Figes states that during the event, Kerensky began to strut around with comic self-importance, puffing up his puny chest and striking the pose of a Bonaparte.Rosenstone notes Eisenstein shows Kerensky as a would-be Bonaparte, by cutting from a close-up of him directly to a statue of Napoleon, and he is hardly the only historian to suggest the prime minister saw himself in that kind of heroic role. Figes and Rosenstone both note that Eisenstein used similar techniques to highlight the ineptitude of General Kornilov. Eisenstein suggests that the attempt to overthrow the Provisional Government was really based on a misunderstanding, exacerbated by Kornliov, who also saw himself as a Bonaparte figure and did not realise that most of those supporting him did so with the hope to use him in the governments overthrow .Eisenstein presents Kornilov as yet another potential Napoleon by cutting from his image to that of the same statue previously linked to Kerensky. The film shows how the generals march on Petrograd is undermined by Bolshevik agitators, who are able to convince the Cossacks of his Savage Division that the Soviet programme of Peace, Land, Bread is not meant just for the worker sof Petrograd but for everyone, including them. It is the ending of the movie, as he did in Potemkin, where Eisenstein takes the greatest license. The movie climaxes with the storming of the Winter Palace, an event that did not actually occur. Indeed the Palace was largely unoccupied by the time of the October events, and any Bolsheviks attacking it would have only had to rebuff a few women and elderly men left to tend to maintenance. While Kerenskys cabinet was inside, they were cut off from the outside and posed no threat. The Palace was taken peacefully, with cabinet members arrested. However, Eisenstein realised the film must have a strong climatic event, and as Lenin had previously used the Palace as an emblem of the Revolution conquering old regimes in the name of the masses, he used a dramatic battle to climax his historical rendition. Many Russian critics at the time were appalled that he had even considered dramatising or reframing such an important event in their history. Additional complaints included Eisensteins omission of the collapse at the front and the growth of the workers movement were also directed at the film.Rosenstone would counter that a filmmaker can never forget the demands of the medium no matter how much you are committed to putting the past on the screen, and no matter how accurate you wish that past to be, the one thing you can never do is to mirror a moment all those moments that have vanished. Even in contemporary viewing of October, however, Eisensteins theme is repeatedly that it was the stupidity and oppression of the Provisional Government, not the political desires of the Bolsheviks, that led to the October 1917 Revolution. It was the desires and action of the masses, not Lenin or a few organising leaders, that led to the governments overthrow. As propaganda, the film has long served to reinforce the validity of the Bolsheviks seizure of power, and therefore to instigate major changes on the Soviet populace. It remains the way many, both in Russia and in Western countries, view the events of 1917, an as such speaks to the effective and lasting power of film as a propaganda device. History can be recast, reinterpreted, expressed in film, and many will believe what they see .Eisensteins work reinforces both independent research and policies ofgovernments worldwide that support film propaganda as a convincing tool. BIBLIOGRAPHY Battleship Potemkin. Dirs. Sergei M. Eisenstein and GrigoriAleksandrov. White Star, 1925. Behind the screen. TheTimes (UK) 18 September 2004: Features, Films 29. Balio, Tino. Eisenstein. 21 May 2005. Browne, Nick. Eisenstein inAmerica: The First Phase. Emergences 12.2 (2002): 181-197. Encyclopedia:Propaganda Film.January 2005. 21 May 2005.. Figes, Orlando. The Russian Revolutionand Its Language in the Village. The Russian Review 56 (July 1997):323-345. Figes, Orlando. A Peoples Tragedy:The Russian Revolution 1891-1924. New York: Penguin Books. 1998. Forging the Shipof State: The Bolsheviks in Power. 21 May 2005.. Kenez, Peter. Jewish Themes in StalinistFilms. Journal of Popular Culture 31.2 Spring 1998: 159-169. October. Dirs. Sergei M. Eisenstein and Grigori Aleksandrov. WhiteStar, 1927. Reeves, Nicholas.The Power of Film Proaganda Myth or Reality? Historical Journal of Film,Radio Television 13.2 (1993). . Rosenstone, RobertA. October as History. Rethinking History 5:2 (2001): 255-274. Taylor, Richard.Russian and Soviet Cinema: Continuity and Change, Imperial War Museum,London, 17-19 July 1990. Historical Journal of Film, Radio Television 11.1 (1991). . Taylor, Richard.Soviet Cinema: The Path to Stalin. History Today July 1990: 43-48. The OctoberRevolution of 1917.21 May 2005. . Yangirov, Rashitand Taylor, Richard. Soviet Cinema in the Twenties: National Alternatives.Historical Journal of Film, Radio Television 11.2 (1991)..

Causes of Hypothyroidism

Causes of Hypothyroidism INTRODUCTION Hypothyroidism is the most common prevailing endocrine disorder among all endocrine maladies. It is an altered metabolic state, when the body produces insufficient amount of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism is not only a disorder of endocrine system, it also affects almost all the organ system of our body. It shows a wide range of disease severity from asymptomatic state to coma and made it an elusive clinical entity9 . Thyroid hormone in addition to governing the rate of metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, it also regulates the timing and pace of the CNS development. It is extremely important for the growth of cerebral , cerebellar cortex, axonal proliferation, branching of dendrites, synaptogenesis, and myelination . Thyroid hormone enhances the wakefulness, response to various stimuli like auditory sensation, learning and memory capacity1. By enhancing the gene expression it influences the synthesis of myelin. Myelin synthesis is an important factor determining the speed of impulse transmission along the complex neural pathway which mediates the evoked potential3 . Sometimes hypothyroidism is referred to as â€Å"Silent Disease† because the early stage of disease it is asymptomatic. About 1.6 billion people are at risk of getting thyroid disorders worldwide4. According to NHANES III approximately 4 – 5% of population in the developed world is suffering from hypothyroidism and about 4 – 15% of people by subclinical hypothyroidism5 . In a developing country like India, iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. In India, hypothyroidism is classified under the group of Iodine Deficient Disorder (IDD) 6. Since 1983 India has been following the Universal Salt Iodization Programme. As a result of it, there has been a decline in the prevalence of IDD 7. In 2004, WHO assessment of global iodine status documented that India has optimal iodine nutrition and now India is undergoing transition from iodine deficiency to sufficiency phase8 . But a nationwide comprehensive epidemiological study done in the eight cities of India found that the prevalence of hypothyroidism was 10.95%. One third of them (3.47%) are not even aware of their disease. Subclinical Hypothyroidism was observed in 8.02% of people. Females are more prone to have hypothyroidism than males (15.86% to 5.02%). Unnikrishnan AG et al has also observed high prevalence of hypothyroidism among the Indian adult population6 . The well-known symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism are dry skin, weight gain, cold intolerance, muscle cramps, hoarseness of voice and constipation10 . As thyroid hormone is essential for the nervous system maturation , central and peripheral nervous system dysfunctions are also important consequences of hypothyroidism. About 60 – 90% of the patients may have features of peripheral nervous system dysfunction like weakness, paraesthesia and postural imbalance . The CNS manifestations of hypothyroidism seen in 60 to 80% of patients which include delayed mentation, sensory deficits, depression11 . It also produces delay in the neuronal conduction velocity, alterations in hearing threshold and sensation of smell . All these neurological complications of hypothyroidism will resolve completely with thyroid hormone replacement especially when diagnosed at the early stage12. The peripheral nervous system dysfunction has been studied in hypothyroid patients by a variety of techniques. But the studies in favor of quantification of CNS dysfunction were very sparse. The CNS involvement in hypothyroid patients can be identified with the help of existing advanced electrophysiological studies. Among the electrophysiological studies evoked potentials provide a more reliable and objective measure of the functional integrity of the related sensory pathway13 . Among the various evoked potentials tests, Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) has been emerged as an effective method of revealing the involvement of auditory pathway even in asymptomatic stage itself11 . Brainstem Evoked Auditory Response are produced in response to brief auditory stimulation14,15 . In this technique following a brief acoustic stimulus, a series of potentials are generated which corresponds to the sequential activation of peripheral, pontomedullary, pontine and midbrain portion of auditory pathway. So BERA helps to evaluate the integrity of the auditory pathway13 . Persons who are having abnormal brainstem response to auditory stimuli more prone to develop Sensorineural Hearing loss16 . In 1948 Means states that Hearing loss is one of the troublesome symptom of hypothyroidism and it may be conductive, sensorineural or mixed hearing loss. About 25 to 30% of the hypothyroid patients having loss, but the exact incidence not yet known. So many researchers did study to find the type of hearing loss in hypothyroid patients. Howarth and Lloyd proposed that perceptive deafness is the type of hearing loss in hypothyroidism. (9) Rau et al, Bhatia et al, Von’t Hoff and Stuart , Parving et al and Isam et al were also accepted that sensorineural hearing loss was the predominant type of hearing loss in hypothyroidism people. Malik et al said that the site of lesion in auditory pathway remains speculative , may be at several levels viz in the middle ear, at cochlea and retrocochlear sites 17. The integrity of the auditory pathway is essential for the capture of the acoustic signal by the external ear to the coding of signals in the auditory cortex13 . Hearing loss is an invisible abnormality which will lead to so many devastating consequences in interpersonal communication, psychosocial wellbeing, quality of life and economic independence. Hearing loss in infants and children due to congenital hypothyroidism results in serious impairment in language, communication skills, cognitive and emotional development. In adults hearing loss will lead to loneliness, social isolation, psychiatric disturbances, depression, occupational stress and relatively low earnings18. There are literatures pointing out that early treatment of hypothyroidism will reverse the hearing loss 19-22. Electrophysiological testing for finding the functional integrity of auditory pathway is rarely performed in hypothyroid patients in neurology and otolaryngology practice. Now a days BAER is mainly used for screening the preterm infants and also prior to cochlear implantation. But it was proved that the delay in the auditory processing time may provide the information about the subclinical involvement of central as well as peripheral neuropathy in hypothyroid individuals 8. So they can be used to assess both normal and abnormal auditory function in the field of research. So that BERA can be used as a screening test to find the CNS involvement and the hearing loss in hypothyroid patients even in the earlier stage itself. In this study an endeavor has been made to find the changes in the brainstem auditory evoked responses in newly diagnosed hypothyroid individuals.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alienation in As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner Essay -- As I Lay Dying

William Faulkner is an American novelist whose major work is As I Lay Dying. Faulkner gave each of his characters traits that are expressed throughout the story.   The reader is introduced to each character through their detailed and descriptive character traits.   We are able to delve into the character's mind and see their personal and distinct traits. He did not tell us anything about the characters, but he takes us into the mind of each character to analyze what we see there. Even though these characters lead parallel lives we can see the total alienation and breakdown of the relationships between each other.   Darl, Jewel, and Anse possess character traits that contribute to or cause the breakdown of their relationship.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Anse Bundren is a poor farmer, who was married to Addie for more than thirty years. He is lazy and selfish and relies greatly on his family and friends. Anse’s selfishness is what separates him from his two sons-Darl and Jewel. For example, the journey to Jefferson, to bury his dead wife was a promise he made to Addie, but his continued perseverance to better himself reveals his true selfishness. Despite the trials along the way and Addie’s body decomposing and attracting buzzards he is only concerned with getting to Jefferson to buy his new teeth. He uses Addie’s death to accomplish his own selfish motives. After Addie’s death Anse says, â€Å"But now I can get them teeth. That will be a comfort.† (Faulkner 28). The only reason Anse is carrying out with the journey is to get his new teeth. He further shows his selfishness when their mules are drowned in the flood. He makes an arrangement with a kinsman to trade Cash’s eight doll ars and Jewel’s beloved horse for a new team of mules. Thirdly, Anse is so concern... seperate from each other despite everything they share together. Faulkner shows us that with the death of Addie, the flood, fire, and the decomposing of flesh that should have brought them closer together, they are too self-absorbed in themselves to ever get close to each other. Works Cited Backman, Melvin. Faulkner: the major years;: A critical study. Indiana University Press 1966 Blotner, Joseph. Faulkner: A Biography (Southern Icons) University Press of Mississippi, 2005 Faulkner, William. As I Lay Dying. New York: Vintage, 1987. Getty, Laura J. â€Å"Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying† The Explicator. 64.3 (2005): 230. Gale. Web. 3 Oct. 2011 Humphrey, Robert. Stream of consciousness in the modern novel University of California Press, 1968 Vickery, Olga W. The Novels of William Faulkner: A Critical Interpretation, LSU Press, April 1, 1995

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gender in Shakespeares As You Like It :: Shakespeare As You Like It Essays

Gender in As You Like It One of the most intriguing aspects of the treatment of love in As You Like It concerns the issue of gender. And this issue, for obvious reasons, has generated a special interest in recent times. The principal reason for such a thematic concern in the play is the cross dressing and role playing. The central love interest between Rosalind and Orlando calls into question the conventional wisdom about men's and women's gender roles and challenges our preconceptions about these roles in courtship, erotic love, and beyond. At the heart of this courtship is a very complex ambiguity which it is difficult fully to appreciate without a production to refer to. But here we have a man (the actor) playing a woman (Rosalind), who has dressed herself up as a man (Ganymede), and who is pretending to be a woman (Rosalind) in the courtship game with Orlando. Even if, in modern times, Rosalind is not played by a young male actor, the theatrical irony is complex enough. The most obvious issue raised by the cross dressing is the relationship between gender roles and clothes (or outer appearance). For Rosalind passes herself off easily enough as a man and, in the process, acquires a certain freedom to move around, give advice, and associate as an equal among other men (this freedom gives her the power to initiate the courtship). Her disguise is, in that sense, much more significant than Celia's, for Celia remains female in her role as Aliena and is thus largely passive (her pseudonym meaning "Stranger" or "outsider" is an interesting one). The fact that Celia is largely passive in the Forest of Ardenne (especially in contrast to Rosalind) and has to wait for life to deliver a man to her rather than seeking one out, as Rosalind does, is an interesting and important difference between the two friends. These points raise some interesting issues. If becoming accepted as a man and getting the freedom to act that comes with that acceptance is simply a matter of presenting oneself as a man, then what do we say about all the enshrined natural differences we claim as the basis for our different treatment of men and women?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gender Inequality: Problems and Solutions :: Gender Sex Male Female Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The issue of gender inequality is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for decades. The problem of inequality in employment being one of the most pressing issues today. In order to examine this situation one must try to get to the root of the problem and must understand the sociological factors that cause women to have a much more difficult time getting the same benefits, wages, and job opportunities as their male counterparts. The society in which we live has been shaped historically by males. The policy-makers have consistently been male and therefore it is not surprising that our society reflects those biases which exist as a result of this male-domination. It is important to examine all facets of this problem, but in order to fully tackle the issue one must recognize that this inequality in the workforce is rooted in what shapes future employees and employers-- education. This paper will examine the inequalities in policy, actual teaching situations, admission to post-secondary institutions, hiring, and job benefits and wages. It will also tackle what is being done to solve this problem and what can be done to remedy the situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The late 1960s brought on the first real indication that feminist groups were concerned with the education system in North America. The focus of these feminist groups captured the attention of teachers, parents, and students. At first the evidence for inequality in schooling was based on no more than specific case studies and anecdotal references to support their claims but as more people began to show concern for the situation, more conclusive research was done to show that the claims of inequality were in fact valid and definitely indicated a problem with the way that schools were educating the future adults of society. One of the problems which became apparent was the fact that the policy-makers set a curriculum which, as shown specifically through textbooks, was sexist and for the most part still is.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Textbooks are one of the most important tools used in educating students whether they are elementary school storybooks or university medical textbooks. It is therefore no surprise that these books are some of the most crucial information sources that a student has throughout their schooling. Many studies have been done examining the contents of these books to reveal the amount of sexism displayed in these educational tools. The results clearly show that gender inequality definitely runs rampant in textbooks some of the sexism subtle and some overt. To begin with, it is apparent that historical texts show a distorted view of women by portraying them unfairly and inaccurately and Gender Inequality: Problems and Solutions :: Gender Sex Male Female Essays   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The issue of gender inequality is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for decades. The problem of inequality in employment being one of the most pressing issues today. In order to examine this situation one must try to get to the root of the problem and must understand the sociological factors that cause women to have a much more difficult time getting the same benefits, wages, and job opportunities as their male counterparts. The society in which we live has been shaped historically by males. The policy-makers have consistently been male and therefore it is not surprising that our society reflects those biases which exist as a result of this male-domination. It is important to examine all facets of this problem, but in order to fully tackle the issue one must recognize that this inequality in the workforce is rooted in what shapes future employees and employers-- education. This paper will examine the inequalities in policy, actual teaching situations, admission to post-secondary institutions, hiring, and job benefits and wages. It will also tackle what is being done to solve this problem and what can be done to remedy the situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The late 1960s brought on the first real indication that feminist groups were concerned with the education system in North America. The focus of these feminist groups captured the attention of teachers, parents, and students. At first the evidence for inequality in schooling was based on no more than specific case studies and anecdotal references to support their claims but as more people began to show concern for the situation, more conclusive research was done to show that the claims of inequality were in fact valid and definitely indicated a problem with the way that schools were educating the future adults of society. One of the problems which became apparent was the fact that the policy-makers set a curriculum which, as shown specifically through textbooks, was sexist and for the most part still is.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Textbooks are one of the most important tools used in educating students whether they are elementary school storybooks or university medical textbooks. It is therefore no surprise that these books are some of the most crucial information sources that a student has throughout their schooling. Many studies have been done examining the contents of these books to reveal the amount of sexism displayed in these educational tools. The results clearly show that gender inequality definitely runs rampant in textbooks some of the sexism subtle and some overt. To begin with, it is apparent that historical texts show a distorted view of women by portraying them unfairly and inaccurately and